Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fort Beaufort

Interesting website

The offi cers’ quarters
Dating from 1830, the offi cers’ quarters – now the museum, where
you’re standing – is one of the oldest buildings in Fort Beaufort. Built
in Durban Street, it did not form part of the original fort. It has been
preserved in practically its original state.
After the wars of land dispossession, the building was converted to a
school which became the museum.
On the 4th April 1938, the Commission for the Preservation of
Natural and Historical Monuments, Relics and Antiques authorised
the handing over of the Old Fort Beaufort Secondary School property
to the Fort Beaufort Municipality at a nominal rental - for use as
museum. G.H. Lawson, mayor of Fort Beaufort and the school
principal at the time, got the museum up and running.
It now offers an overview of local culture, ranging from the area’s
military history to Xhosa art and crafts.